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Published Works irene tassy Published Works irene tassy

I Would Be Happy To Work The Marching Band Bake Sale!

I would be so happy to run the bake sale tonight that benefits the marching band. I firmly believe it takes a village to raise our kids and I want to be part of that village! I have a couple questions before I “fully” commit. I realize you have a ton on your plate with scheduling the entire volunteer force, but these 10 questions and several follow-up emails shouldn’t take you but 3–7 hours to answer.

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Published Works irene tassy Published Works irene tassy

My Name is Rick, and This Boat Ride Across the Delaware Was Misrepresented To Me.

There I was at McConkey’s Tavern drinking whiskey, minding my own damn business when out of the corner of my eye I saw a bunch of men in uniforms approach me.

They were all nice-like and said, “Hey, Rick, you look strong. Wanna go on a boat ride?”

In retrospect, it was an odd way to frame a party invitation, but what did I know? I was hopped up on whiskey and besides, boats are fun!

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Published Works irene tassy Published Works irene tassy

How To Restart Your Social Media Accounts After You Take The Moral High Ground And Quit

You posted: “I need to spend my valuable time composting, feeding the poor, and calling senators. Social Media is such a COLOSSAL waste of time.” #donescrolling #carestoomuch #aboveitallforreal (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

It’s a douchebag move, for sure. But what do you do when you want back on?

It’s tempting to chalk up your misstep to a stroke. But this will backfire spectacularly because physical evidence is expected. A speech impediment and paralysis are super grueling to maintain for a lifetime.

So, if a fake stroke is off the table, what can be done?

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Published Works irene tassy Published Works irene tassy

Try Femino™, the Only Medicine that Answers Women’s Most Common Complaints

Can’t find jeans that fit

All jeans are made for women who resemble oddly shaped WNBA players in 6-inch heels. FEMINO works with your brain to produce realistic reactions to clothing that doesn’t fit. Instead of, “I don’t fit these jeans. I’m a failure and need to lose weight.” You instead feel, “These jeans are a fucking joke and only 3 ½ women on the planet can wear them.”

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Published Works Kylan Josiah Published Works Kylan Josiah

How To Seduce Your Quarantine Sweatpants.

Phase 1: Stir up your sweatpants’ desire

Unfortunately, you’ve already shown deep interest by wearing your sweatpants the entire year, non-stop. Typically, you would want to appear aloof and unattainable, but you cannot turn back time, so press on.

A controversial tactic at this point would be to notice something odd about your sweatpants. Calling attention to a flaw can make your sweatpants insecure, thus making them easier to seduce. “My, my, you do seem to be wearing thin in the crotch.” Or “Have you always been so purple?” Your sweatpants will wallow in self-doubt.

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Published Works irene tassy Published Works irene tassy

10 Things You Do As A Parent That Deserve A Fucking Medal

1. The Fucking Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and Easter Bunny.

The amount of time you spend writing in your non-dominant hand on behalf of these fictional slackers should alone earn you a prize. Not to mention the sneaking around at 3:35am to make sure the gifts, money and chocolates are placed without detection. But don’t worry, all your efforts will be met with, “I don’t like this kind,” “Only $1!” or “I wanted it in blue, ” so it’s worth it. Fucking gold star.

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Published Works irene tassy Published Works irene tassy

Spend Valentine’s Day at a Struggling Retailer!

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, declining retail giants are banking on couples’ thirst to participate in literally anything outside of the house. “We’ve been cooped up together for ten months now,” Dana Cranston from Detroit stated, “If there’s something offered that saves me from listening to him chew or breathe in our kitchen; I’m in!”

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Published Works Kylan Josiah Published Works Kylan Josiah

Drive-Into Experience: “12 Angry Men” Circa 1957

Drive into a “hot, smoke-filled room with a table and 12 chairs” from the safety of your own car.

Attention all 12 Angry Men circa 1957 fans! It’s time to travel back to the 1950s and become a member of an all-white, old-man jury in real life. Monotony calls, so gather your friends and an elderly acquaintance to provide context and “drive to the courthouse.” Immerse yourself in the tedious world of 12 Angry Men, where you will take part in a “drive-into” experience like no other.

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Published Works Kylan Josiah Published Works Kylan Josiah

Jaden is an Ass Hat and Will Never Write You Back

Dear Jaden,

I know it’s been a while since we’ve spoken. Haha! You just left 1 minute and 30 seconds ago 😛. Please forgive this email, but there are some things I need clarity on, relationship-wise. I would have discussed these with you in person, but you were pretty anxious to get home after we had sex. I’ve never seen anyone move so fast! Were you on fire? Haha!

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Published Works Kylan Josiah Published Works Kylan Josiah

So, Ya Wanna Eat a Cannibal Sandwich? Please Fuckin’ Don’t.

Dear People of Wisconsin,

I would like to address your holiday tradition of eating raw meat sandwiches.

First, allow me to take this opportunity to shine a light on what’s happening vis-a-vis the Earth right now. There is a virus afoot, and you should do everything in your power to avoid landing in the hospital. To that end, dear Wisconsinites, I would like to say, ‘what the fuck,’ in response to hearing you eat uncooked meat at the Yuletide. Might I suggest a cocktail wiener (baked) or some cheese (refrigerated) for your holiday tables? Too tame? Too safe? Too life-sustaining?

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